Here is my recipe for Strawberry Garcia Ice Cream (strawberry ice cream loaded with chunks of chocolate): Ingredients: 1 cup sugar and a separate 1/3 cup sugar (for the strawberries) 2 eggs, beaten 1 1/2 cups half-and-half 1 cup heavy cream 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 pint strawberries 1/2 lemon (or lime - which ever you prefer) 3 Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate bars, broken into chunks This is my nearly famous cream base: Stir the sugar and half-and-half together in a saucepan. Heat slowly over medium-low heat stirring frequently. When this mixture starts to simmer, remove from heat. Careful not to boil. While the sugar and half-and-half are heating, combine the beaten eggs and heavy cream in a mixing bowl. Whisk them up well. After removing the sugar and half-and-half from the heat, slowly add small amounts to the egg and cream mixture, stirring constantly. Add a little of the warm mix at a time so you do not scramble the egg mix. Take your time. Keep adding the warm mix to the egg and cream mix until you have added it all, stirring the whole time. Put the combined mixture into the saucepan, and heat again over medium-low heat, stirring constantly. Stir until it is thick enough to coat the back of a metal spoon. Remove from heat, and let cool at room temperature for about an hour. Refrigerate overnight. To prepare the strawberries: Wash the strawberries, trim off the tops and cut each into 4 or 5 slices. Place in a mixing bowl with the 1/3 cup sugar and mix up well. Squeeze the juice from the lemon in, mix again and refrigerate for a couple hours. Now that the strawberries have started making juice - place them in a food processor and pulse in short bursts until they are just small bits. Pour them through a strainer to separate out the juice from the pulp. Make the ice cream: Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla to the chilled ice cream mix (adding it just before putting the mix in the ice cream maker ensures the best taste). Add the juice from the strawberries to the ice cream mix and whisk thoroughly - saving the strawberry pulp to the side to add near the end. Add to your ice cream maker and follow the manufacturer's instructions. When the ice cream is nearly done, add in the strawberry pulp and the chocolate chunks and there you have it: my recipe for homemade Strawberry Garcia ice cream! Enjoy! - Scott --------------------------------------------- - Scott's Scoop - an ice cream blog - random thoughts on making homemade ice cream --------------------------------------------- Strawberry Garcia ice cream recipe Ice cream maker Strawberry ice cream recipe homemade ice cream |