I get many visits to this site, which I appreciate. One of the biggest draws to this site is
my Butter Crunch Ice Cream picture, posted on Flickr. For no real reason, I never got around to posting the recipe - until now.
For this ice cream, I wanted to make a homemade Butter Crunch candy and found an outstanding recipe for "English Toffee" (AKA Butter Crunch) on the "Cooking For Engineers" website (which was perfect, since I am an engineer!). They describe the process of making toffee in such a way that anyone can make it.
I made the candy the day prior to making the ice cream, to allow it to fully cool.
I followed their recipe up through spreading the toffee to cool, skipping adding the
chocolate (since I only wanted the butter crunch part). You can decide how far you'd
like to go. I did sprinkle in the almonds before it cooled. Follow their directions for cooling as well.
Ingredients for Butter Crunch
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup chopped almonds
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 cup butter
the recipe on "Cooking For Engineers" to complete the candy.
Ice Cream:
For all of my ice cream recipes I developed my own
Ice Cream Base - a rich, creamy base that makes incredibly delicious ice cream. For this butter crunch recipe, I also added 4 tablespoons of melted butter before cooling. I wanted to make sure I had a nice rich buttery flavor.
Cool the mixture well, at least over night, in the refrigerator.
Once cool, stir the mixture well, and add to your ice cream maker. While the ice cream is churning, break up the butter crunch candy into small pieces. When there are
around 5 minutes left, add in the broken pieces of butter crunch candy.
- Scott
Scott's Scoop
- an ice cream blog
- random thoughts on making homemade ice cream
Butter Crunch ice cream recipe
Ice cream maker
Vanilla ice cream
homemade ice cream